NWI provides power plant and corporate services in numerous areas including
- Executive Coaching/Organizational Development
Conducting leadership workshops, mentoring managers/executives, and providing organizational development are just some of the areas of expertise that NWI delivers to obtain effective results.
- Operations
Whether it's configuration control challenges, crew dynamics, simulator fidelity/realism or workforce standards issues, let NWI provide plausible strategies and tools to get results.
- Maintenance
Work management techniques, fundamental work practices, dynamic learning activities, and behavior improvement tools are just some of the products and areas of expertise that NWI delivers to obtain effective results.
- Training
Training and qualification can be particularly challenging with the new accreditation objectives, criteria, and new writing standards for Accreditation Self Evaluation Reports. NWI provides critical assessments as well as mock board design and implementation which lead to successful accreditation renewal.
- Radiation Protection, Chemistry and Emergency Preparedness
Whether your challenges include areas for improvement in source term controls, post job critiques, shutdown chemistry strategies, e-plan submittals or workforce standard issues, NWI provides tools which will improve organizational performance in these areas and more.
These areas as well as organizational development strategies and executive management effectiveness are just some of the broad expertise NWI retains. High value and results oriented, NWI Consulting, LLC has a broad portfolio of nationwide and international clients.